The After

Two years into my young son Cub's treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, we were in-patient at St. Jude Children's Hospital in Memphis. Cub had been fighting a fever for 3 weeks and, even though we were less than a year away from celebrating the end of treatment, we were weary. A friend texted me one... Continue Reading →

The Art of “B”-ing

Today is the 24th birthday of a very special young lady named Brittany, or B for short. I became friends with B's parents back in college. I had the honor of standing as a bridesmaid in their wedding, of attending a shower celebrating the highly anticipated arrival of their first and only child, and of... Continue Reading →

52 Weeks

52 weeks from today, my little boy Cub will be sitting bare-chested in a vinyl therapy chair. He and I will put on little yellow masks as a clinic nurse opens a sterile packet containing gloves, cleanser, and a 3/4 inch needle with a tail made of narrow plastic tubing. He'll squirm while she wipes off the numbing cream... Continue Reading →

What we Leave Behind

luceleaf journal

20140714_095551In the past, my mother had expressed concern over what she had to leave for her children. I remember her being disappointed that she didn’t have a lot of “valuables” to pass on, or a large inheritance to divide amongst her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

I would try to reassure her with words like, “Don’t worry mom, you’ve done so much already.” Or, “Mom, that’s not what matters.”

Still, for my generous mother who was a child of the depression, she was worried about supplying our needs far into the future – a future that she would not be able to reach into to help solve our problems.

My mother had known depths of need in her life that most of us are never burdened with experiencing. And she survived. And she made sure we did, too. It may not have always been fun, and it most definitely may not…

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Choosing Joy

This close to Christmas, we all need to remember to CHOOSE JOY! 🙂


4296_1137223503777_70674_nWe all have “bad” days now and then, right? Perhaps you’re having one today – maybe you’ve locked your keys in the car, spilled your once-a-week mocha treat down your blouse minutes before “the big meeting,” or, in the rush of a hectic morning, forgot to pack little Joey’s lunch.

You roll your eyes, heave a sigh, and maybe even let out a little chuckle, and you keep moving. At some point later in your day, you open up Facebook and inevitably scroll down to a cute little kitten meme with some profound words of wisdom sprawled across it’s fuzzy little body in a sickeningly cute little font. And you laugh in spite of yourself and your “bad” day. We’ve all been there, right?

But, today, I want to talk to you about the really bad “bad” days. You know, the ones that leave us with little, if any, joy…

View original post 356 more words

What I Didn’t Say — Shedding Light on the Realities of Childhood Cancer

When I posted on Facebook that we're taking Cub, my son, to the hospital because he has a fever, I didn't say that whenever his temperature reaches 100.4, we are supposed to have him to the hospital within 1 hour so broad spectrum antibiotics can begin being administered through his port immediately, or we might not... Continue Reading →

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